




2013年3 月25 日(星期一),上午9:30-12:00


上海交大闵行校区木兰楼A1008 会议室


Dr. Alan J. Murphy , Senior Lecturer, School of Marine Science and Technology, Newcastle University, UK

 报告题目1:Introduction  to  Recent Research Projects  at   Newcastle  University


This research presentation will  provide a broad overview of three key, yet distinctly different, research themes of interest to Dr Murphy, namely:reduction of exhaust gas emissions from shipping; using bio inspiration for improved design of underwater vehicles; and research on the topic of freak waves. A number of the principal funded pr ojects in these areas will be highlighted including: Low Carbon Shipping;Clean North Sea Shipping; Natu re in Engineering for Monitoring  the Oceans; and the collaborative, Global Secure project.Within each of these themes some of the key results and outcomes from these projects will be presented and explained,together with future directions for the research in these areas in the School of Marine Science and Technology at Newcastle University, UK.

报告题目2:Design of pod driven ships

报告人:Dr. Michael D. Woodward , Lecturer, School of Marine Science and Technology, Newcastle University, UK


The aim is to improve by policy and design, the safety and security of ships by taking into account the man-machine interface and the training of maritime pilots; specifically when operating ships equipped with azimuthing control devices. From the thrusters on smaller, but numerous, harbour support vessels through to the pod-drives on cruise ships and ocean going liners, azimuth ing control has rapidly established itself in the maritime industry. But while the industry has risen to meet the demand, this rapid evolution has not allowed sufficient time for the propagation of knowledge throughout the different disciplines. Though the various sectors of the industry each have their own expertise, a lack of communication  is both restricting progress and compromising safety and security. To address this problem, the project provid ed a forum for technical review and cross-disciplinary discussion between the key industry sectors; specifically: Hydrodynamic Modeling; Marine Simulation; Maritime Training; Operational Practice.


联系人:马 宁 教授     Email:  ningma@sjtu.edu.cn