Recent developments and Perspectives in Computational Fluid Dynamics for Marine Engineering
2017 年12 月14 日(星期四),下午15:00
上海交大闵行校区木兰船建大楼A1008 会议室
Prof. Michel Visonneau, Centrale Nantes, France
Michel Visonneau, obtained in 1980 an Engineer's diploma and the diploma of Advanced Naval Architecture in 1981 from Centrale Nantes, France. In 1985, he defended his PhD in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer at Centrale Nantes/University of Nantes and joined the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) as research associate. He was the head of the CFD department of the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (Centrale Nantes) from 1995 to 2012. He is now Research Director at CNRS since 2006 and Professor at Centrale Nantes. He has supervised 23 PhD thesis and is the author of 77 publications in archival scientific journals and 187 publications in conference proceedings. In 2006, he built a partnership with NUMECA Int. which lead to the creation of FINETM/Marine, a software worldwide leader in CFD for Marine Engineering and is in charge of the scientific development of this software. Michel Visonneau is a member of the Steering Committee of the International Workshop on CFD in Ship Hydrodynamics representing Europe since 2005 and is also a permanent member of the SNH-ONR Paper Selection Committee representing Europe since 2017.
This invited talk is devoted to a brief overview of the main challenges posed by ship hydrodynamics to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in terms of modeling and discretization strategies. It will be briefly explained how CFD has renovated the vision of ship hydrodynamics and will describe the specific physical models and discretization tools which had to be developed to simulate accurately the complex flows involved in ship hydrodynamics. Several illustrations of current applications with comparisons to detailed experimental bases will be provided to illustrate these progresses. Finally, future perspectives of research to extend the field of applications of CFD in marine engineering.
联系人:万德成 教授 Email: dcwan@sjtu.edu.cn