
A theoretical and experimental study on evolving nonlinear ocean waves-First steps towards predicting the occurrence of rogue waves



摘要:An accurate description of ocean wave dynamics is a challenging task due to complicated nonlinrar interactions among waves of different spatial scales ranging from centimenters up to kilometers.Another source of difficulty lies in a lack of our understanding of various physical processes in the ocean including wave breaking and wind forcing effects.In this talk,our recent theoretical and experimental efforts to study the evolution of nonlinear surface waves possibly with wave breaking will be presented. A system of nonlinear evolution equations obtained via an asymptotic expansion technique will be first described and its numerical solutions will be discussed in comparision with experimental measurements. A new parameterization for energy dissipation due to wave breaking will be also introduced and its validity will be tested with new wave breaking laboratory experiments.

Speaker 介绍:

Wooyong choi is currently a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technology(NJIT) in the US.He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in naval architecure and ocea engineering from the Seoul National University,Korea, in 1980 and 1984,respectively,and the ph.D. degree in engineering science from Caltech,USA,in 1993.Before he joined NJIT,he was also with the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of Michigan.His current research interests include applied mathematics,hydrodynamics,and scientific computing with focusing on nonlinear wave phenomena in oceans.