
美国Altair工程公司CFD主任Stephen Cosgrove 学术报告



CFD Solutions and Mitigations for VIV and VIM of Offshore Risers, Floating Platforms and Subsea Pipelines






Stephen Cosgrove, Director, CFD, Altair Engineering Inc (USA)


Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) and Vortex Induced Motions (VIM), are among the most challenging problems found in academic and commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Many complex technologies must seamlessly work together to effectively simulate these flows, including coupling with rigid body dynamics and flexible solid/structural response, and large deformation Fluid/Structure Interaction (FSI). To obtain accurate simulations, one must consider not only the base structure of the platform and risers, but also many detailed geometries, such as multiple appurtenances (strakes, pipes, chains and anodes). These physics require a full 3D transient solution which leads to tractable but compute intensive simulations requiring efficient parallel processing on clusters. Finally, to deploy the solution for production use, one must combine the core CFD technology with other components, such as 3D CAD modeling; automatic mesh generation; and a simple GUI environment for problem set up and solution process; into a customized vertical application. In this seminar, we give an overview of the progress to date toward the solution of VIV/VIM problems. We will address the progress made over the past 10 years, and show sample solutions and validation against experimental data.


Mr. Cosgrove, became the Director of CFD upon Altair’s acquisition of ACUS IM Software on Jan 1, 2011. Previously, he was the Vice President of Technical Support and Sales at ACUSIM Software Inc based in Mountain View, CA. He has also programmed and researched Discontinuous Galerkin methods for CFD at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He has an extensive background in CFD with 10 years’ experience in development and applications of CFD in the energy sector and 14 years working in the commercial CFD software business in positions at CD ADAPCO, ANSYS ICEMCFD, ACUSIM Software and Altair.


联系人:付世晓 特别研究员

Email: shixiao.fu@sjtu.edu.cn