The State of the Art in Ship CFD and EFD
Prof. Frederick Stern, Faculty Research Engineer IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering, The University of Iowa, USA
Prof. Frederick Stern
Ph.D., Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, University of Michigan, 1980.
M.S.E., Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, University of Michigan, 1977.
B.S.E., (summa cum laude) Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, University of Michigan,
Special Fields of Knowledge:
Computational and experimental fluid dynamics and uncertainty analysis; ship hydrodynamics; viscous flow; free surface waves and turbulence; propulsors and cavitation; potential flow; resistance and propulsion; and ship and platform motions and maneuvering.
Present Research Interests:
6DOF Viscous Ship Hydrodynamics; High Performance, Multi-Criteria CFD-Based Optimization for Ship Design; Towing Tank Maneuvering Test Flow-Map Measurement System; Integration of Simulation Technology Into Undergraduate Engineering Courses and Laboratories.
联系人:邹早建 教授
Email: zjzou@sjtu.edu.cn