Sea Loading on Ships and Offshore Platforms
2013 年4月16日(星期二),上午9:30-10:30
上海交大闵行校区木兰楼 A1008 室
Prof. Atilla Incecik, Head of Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and Professor of Offshore Engineering at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK
The presentation will start with the introduction to the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow; the research activities in the Department in the areas of naval architecture, ocean engineering and marine engineering including marine transport and renewable energy; and the facilities. This will be followed by the introduction of the basis of evaluation for sea loading on ships and offshore platforms and of current technologies and their application ranges to predict the sea loading. The non-linear prediction techniques will be described. Maturity and limitations of various linear and non-linear prediction techniques currently used will be illustrated with some examples. The lecture will end by a discussion on the effect of various environmental force components on slowly varying motions of moored offshore platforms and on the need for a coupled analysis of these platforms as the water depth increases.
Prof. Atilla Incecik is Professor of Offshore Engineering and Head of Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at Strathclyde University, Glasgow. Professor Incecik has been responsible for the development of design and analysis tools and model testing of marine and offshore engineering systems during his research activities both in industry and academia. His current research includes development of dynamic load and response prediction tools for the design and installation of floating offshore platforms and marine renewable energy devices; investigation of sources and interaction of potentia and viscous origin forces to determine low frequency motions of moored offshore vessels; investigation of low cycle fatigue loading on floating production, storage and offloading systems and low carbon shipping. Professor Incecik is the Research Manager of Industrial Doctoral Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE). He is a member of committees of a number of international professional bodies. Professor Incecik is Editor-in-Chief of Ocean Engineering.
联系人:万德成 教授 Email: dcwan@sjtu.edu.cn