
英国 Strathclyde 大学 Qing Xiao 博士学术报告



Flow Modeling for Tidal/Current Renewable Energy Devices




上海交大闵行校区木兰楼 A1008 室


Dr. Qing Xiao, Lecturer of Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and Leader of Bio-Mimetic Research Group at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK


Flow modeling using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method plays a significant role on the design of marine tidal/current renewable energy devices. Especially at prototype design stage,CFD modeling can provide vital design guidelines on the key device parameters in order to achieve an optimal power take off efficiency. In this talk, the research work currently being performed in a CFD research group at NAME department in the Strathclyde University will be introduced. Particular interests will focus on the investigation of flow mechanism and control for the marine tidal/current renewable devices using a numerical modeling method. The investigation includes the conventional rotational blades turbine devices and recently developed flapping wing based energy devices.


Dr. Q. Xiao obtained her Ph. D degree in Mechanical Engineering from National University of Singapore in 2001. Then she worked at Institute of High Performance Computing on the research work of physiological flow modelling, and subsequently she joined Temasek Laboratories working on the area of CFD modelling for aerodynamics.In 2007, she joined faculty of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME) in Strathclyde University. She is now lecturer of Marine Engineering, leading a biomimetic research group at NAME. Her major research interests are computational/experimental fluid dynamics with particular interests in biomimetics and renewable energy devices. She is a senior Member of the AIAA and a Member of ISOPE and BIOKON.


联系人:万德成 教授                          Email:      dcwan@sjtu.edu.cn