
Svein Saevik教授做客实验室“旭华讲坛”




2024年4月22日 下午2:00-4:00




Svein Saevik



         Svein Saevik is a professor at the School ofMarineTechnology, Norwegian University of ScienceandTechnology (NTNU) and an elected member ofNorwegian Academy of Technological Science!(NTVA). As an excellent scholar, Professor Svein Saevikhas decades of experience in Marine cableengineering design and analysis, and has beencommitted to developing stress and fatique analysismodels for Marine flexible risers and umbilical cable.for more than 20 years. His work results have beensoftware-based and widely used in relevant Marineengineering enterprises, with high authority. Anumber of certification companies,incuding theFrench Classification Society (BV), the NorwegianRegister Lloyd's Register (DNV-GL), have designatedtheir software as the basis for analytical verificationand their software achievements include: Cableoverall response analvsis software -SIMLA.fexiblriser fatigue stress analysis software -BFLEX, long pitchumbilical cable fatigue stress analysis software -USAFshort pitch umbilical cable fatigue stress analysissoftware -UFLEX, etc.

          Professor Svein Saevik has published a series ofleading and instructive journal and conference articlesin the field of pipe and cable engineering, and hasreceived many awards, including the highest awardfrom Statoil, and has served as the chair of the plpeand cable engineering sub-session of the OceanEngineering Conference (OMAE, ISOPE).


        The structural response of subsea cables presentssignificant challenges in the context of offshore windenergy. This speech addresses key challenge!encountered in the desian, installation, and operation osubsea cables for offshore wind farms. Various factor:affectina the structura response,includingenvironmental loads,dynamic behavior, materiafatigue, and cable-soil interaction, are discussedAdditionally, the speech highlights the importance oadvanced numerical modeling techniques ancexperimental testing methods in understanding ancmitigating these challenges. Strategies for optimizincthe structural response of subsea cables are proposedaiming to enhance the reliability and longevity ooffshore wind infrastructure.