
Sakdirat Kaewunruen博士做客实验室“智汇论坛”



Al-driven multi-scale digital railway infrastructure systems to accelerate transition to carbon neutrality






Sakdirat Kaewunruen博士




Dr. Kaewunruen is a Reader in Railway and Civil Engineering, with extensive research interest in railway engineering; and infrastructure engineering and management, with special emphasis in Digital maintenance, Sustainability, Risk modelling and Machine Learning. He has over 600 refereed publications and evidence-based authoritative reports. With nearly 25 year experience in railways, he spent over 14 years in industry within railway authority prior to academia. His industry experience had involved many railway construction and maintenance projects and has engaged in many research projects. He has been appointed as the UK principal scientist for various lSO standards as well as in BSI and CEN standard committees, He has supervised over 30 PhD students, 9 postdoctoral scholars, over 150 masters students, and over 10 Erasmus+ engineers. His work has been cited over 10,000 times (Google scholar h-index: 52) and has been consecutively ranked in the world top 29 most cited scientists by Stanford University. He is a management committee member of new EU COST Action CA21103- Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment (CircularB) and the Specialty Chief Editor of Frontiers in Built Environment



This presentation will highlight the best practices and recent digital innovation with special focus on artificial intelligence and digital twin technologies for circular economy implementation in railway asset management. The novel digital twins and artificial intelligence tools and strategies to safeguard railway systems as a whole and to enable the systems-based transition to net zero and beyond will be presented. The presentation will highlight key strategies and challenges to implement new technologies sustainably. The insights in systems circularity and the challenges in risk-averse international standards will be discussed in the presentation. The focus of the presentation is placed on systems thinking and multi-level, multi-scale interconnected digitisations that are matter to every stakeholder Each stage of life cycle and associated risks and uncertainties will be presented to enhance the correlation with new railway technologies tor all systems including railway tracks, infrastructure, electrification, rolling stocks, signalling systems, buildings and siding, as well as air space development and the environments.